Trailhead 2
Trailhead 1
Click the red flag above to locate trailhead parking
Overview & Map
The Lost Pond Trail is an easy, short trail through a managed block of State Forest, with a visit to Lost Pond, a small, beautiful vernal pool (spring only).
Category: An easy walk through State Forest
Start: At either of the trailheads on Warpas Road
Distance: About 0.5 mile between trailheads; add another 0.2 mile to complete the loop along Warpas Road
Approximate Time: Less than 1 hour
Parking: On Warpas Road near the trailheads
What to look for along the Lost Pond Trail
The trail is described as a loop, beginning at Trailhead 2 and then returning, either along Warpas Road, or back along the trail just traveled.
From Trailhead 2, the trail soon joins a woods road, ascends a slight rise, and then leaves the main woods road and bears left on a lesser-used road that approaches and eventually runs along the remnants of an old stone wall. Follow the blue blazes carefully as many old logging roads cross the path. Over the rise, the trail splits, with one branch turning sharply north, again along a stone wall. The branch straight ahead (east) continues for about 200 feet to where the Camp Hadley Trail joins from the south, and then to where, in another 200 feet, it terminates at a small pool (in spring) near the State Forest border. This is Lost Pond (!!) bordered on two sides by stone walls. Lost Pond, a small vernal pool, often contains many spotted salamander egg masses in spring.
Return to where the trail splits north (right) and follow the stone wall along state forest boundary. Logging in this area has created the open character of the stand. Note the abundant regeneration of birch and especially of beech sprouts. The trail soon joins with the Jefferson Park Trail and turns left (west) along “Old Ridge Road” (bounded on both sides by stone walls) to trailhead #1 near the Church of Latter Day Saints. Return to Trailhead 2 along Warpas Road, or by backtracking on the trail just traveled.
PLEASE NOTE: Hunting, camping, fires, cutting trees or vegetation, horses, and motorized vehicles are all prohibited on Madison Land Conservation Trust property. MLCT trails and properties are for hiking only. Dogs are allowed, but must be leashed. Please pick up all animal waste.